Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy

Why Marriage Counseling?

All marriages and relationships begin with romantic love – everything is great. But just as fall follows summer, relationships change. Career stresses occur, financial concerns arise, children appear, communication breaks down, the shine has worn off of the romance, power struggles insert themselves and “we” are not who “we” were anymore… We ask one another “why have you changed?” And, here you are – contemplating marriage counseling.

The thought of entering marriage counseling can be a frightening and threatening prospect. What will I say? What will he/she say? What will the therapist say? What will the therapist think? What if I cry? What if… What if….???

The fact that you are reading this and considering marriage counseling is the first and most important step that you and your spouse can take. It’s natural that one partner may be more reticent to attempt marriage counseling than the other. If you’re in this situation and your partner seems adamant in his/her opposition, please call me at 706-552-2820 and we can talk about how you might engage your partner.

Keep scrolling to discover what marriage counseling is and isn’t.


What Marriage Counseling ISN’T:

…about who’s right or who’s wrong.
…about who wins or who loses.
…about determining blame.
…about getting the therapist on your side.
…a quick fix for your problems.

What Marriage Counseling IS:

…about rescuing the most important relationship in your life…
…about facing the stresses, problems and patterns in your relationship…
…about learning how to communicate with your partner…
…about remembering how much you like your partner…
…about allowing yourself to fall in love again!

Who is Marriage & Couples Counseling For?

Are you are married? Are you in a committed relationship? Do you think that things could be better? Does your partner believe that things could be better?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you are appropriate for marriage/couples therapy!

Consider this: I am a trained, experienced psychologist. I am a woman with age and life experience. I have been single, married, married with children, divorced, divorced with children. I get it. I do not sit in judgment. My sole interest in my work with you is to help you heal, learn, and renew your relationship from where it is today.

I see married couples, couples in committed relationships and LGBTQ couples.

The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy

I have studied and employ the renowned Gottman Method of marriage therapy. After several years of studying with Drs. John and Julie Gottman, I have recently attained the highest level of their certification, Level 3. Over four decades of scientific research studying relationships. the Gottmans have shown that to make a relationship last, couples must become better friends, learn to manage conflict, and create ways to support each other’s hopes for the future. I also attained an Advanced Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Georgia.

How Does All of This Take Place?

I provide marriage and couples counseling in two formats: I offer traditional therapy sessions in my office in Athens, GA. Sessions are 45 minutes each. We will determine the frequency necessary for your situation, but we usually start with weekly sessions. After we’ve established rapport and a good working relationship, I’m also available for sessions vis Skype or FaceTime. This allows us to stay on track should you not be available to get together in person.

Intensive Weekend Retreats

For couples who’s relationship is in peril, or for those who may have tried traditional therapy in the past, I also offer intensive couples therapy weekend retreats  for individual couples in a two-and-a-half day formats. These are extremely effective, and allow us to accomplish in a weekend what might normally take months of traditional once-a-week-therapy. Here is a complete explanation of my Intensive Weekend Retreats.  Take my “Relationship Questionnaire” to find out if you and your partner might benefit from an Intensive Weekend Retreat experience.

Pre-marital Counseling

If you are engaged and planning a wedding, I strongly recommend pre-marital counseling and will be happy to work with you.

How to get started? Contact me here or call me at 706-552-2820 and we’ll begin the discussion.